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Error Handling in General and C++ Exceptions in Particular



The software industry does not seem to take software quality seriously, and a good part of it falls into the error-handling category. After putting up for years with so much misinformation, so many half-truths and with a general sentiment of apathy on the subject, I finally decided to write a lengthy article about error handling in general and C++ exceptions in particular.

I am not a professional technical writer and I cannot afford the time to start a long discussion on the subject, but I still welcome feedback, so feel free to drop me a line if you find any mistakes or would like to see some other aspect covered here.


This document focuses on the "normal" software development scenarios for user-facing applications or for non-critical embedded systems. There are of course other areas not covered here: there are systems where errors are measured, tolerated, compensated for or even incorporated into the decision process.


This document is meant for software developers who have already gathered a reasonable amount of programming experience. The main goal is to give practical information and describe effective techniques for day-to-day work.

Although you can probably guess how C++ exceptions work from the source code examples below, it is expected that you already know the basics, especially the concept of stack unwinding upon raising (throwing) an exception. Look into your favourite C++ book for a detailed description of exception semantics and their syntax peculiarities.

Causes of Neglect

Proper error-handling logic is what sets professional developers apart. Writing quality error handlers requires continuous discipline during development, because it is a tedious task that can easily cost more than the normal application logic for the sunny-day scenario that the developer is paid to write. Testing error paths manually with the debugger is recommended practice, but that doesn't make it any less time consuming. Repeatable test cases that feed the code with invalid data sequences in order to trigger and test each possible error scenario is a rare luxury. This is why error handling in general needs constant encouraging through systematic code reviews or through separate testing personnel. In my experience, lack of good error handling is also symptomatic that the code hasn't been properly developed and tested. A quick look at the error handlers in the source code can give you a pretty reliable measurement of the general code quality.

The fact that most example code snippets in software documentation do not bother checking for error conditions, let alone handling them gracefully, does not help either. This gives the impression that the official developers do not take error handling seriously, like everybody else, so you don't need to either. Sometimes you'll find the excuse of keeping those examples free from "clutter". However, when using a new syscall or library call, working out how to check for errors and how to collect the corresponding error information can take longer than coding its normal usage scenario, so this aspect would actually be most helpful in the usage example. There is some hope, however, as I have noticed that some API usage examples in Microsoft's documentation now include error checks with "handle the error here" comments below. While it is still not enough, it is better than nothing.

It is hard to assess how much value robust error handling brings to the end product, and therefore any extra development costs in this field are hard to justify. Free-software developers are often investing their own spare time and frequently take shortcuts in this area. Software contracts are usually drafted on positive terms describing what the software should do, and robustness in the face of errors gets then relegated to some implied general quality standards that are not properly described or quantified. Furthermore, when a customer tests a software product for acceptance, he is primarily worried about fulfilling the contractual obligations in the "normal", non-error case, and that tends to be hard enough. That the software is brittle either goes unnoticed or is not properly rated in the software bug list.

As a result, small software errors often cascade into great disasters, because all the error paths in between fail one after the next one across all the different software layers and communicating devices, as error handlers hardly ever got any attention. But even in this scenario, the common excuse sounds like "yes, but my part wouldn't have failed in the previous one hadn't in the first place".

In addition to all of the above, when the error-handling logic does fail, or when it does not yield helpful information for troubleshooting purposes, it tends to impact first and foremost the users' budget, and not the developer's, and that normally happens after the delivery and payment dates. Even if the error does come back to the original developer, it may find its way through a separate support department, which may even be able to provide a work-around and further justify the business case for that same support department. If nothing else helps, the developer's urgent help is then suddenly required for a real-world, important business problem, which may help make that original developer a well-regarded, irreplaceable person. After all, only the original person understands the code well enough to figure out what went wrong, and any newcomers will shy away from making any changes to a brittle codebase. This scenario can also hold true in open-source communities, where social credit from quickly fixing bugs may be more relevant than introducing those bugs in the first place. All these factors conspire to make poor error handling an attractive business strategy.

In the end, error handling gets mostly neglected, and that reflects in our day-to-day experience with computer software. I have seen plenty of jokes around about unhelpful or funny error messages. Many security issues have their roots in incorrect error detection or handling, and such issues are still getting patched on a weekly rhythm for operating system releases that have been considered stable for years.

Looking for a Balanced Strategy

Definition of Error

In the context of this document, an error is an indication that an operation failed to execute. The reason why it failed is normally included, in the form of an error code, error message, source code position, etc. An error is normally considered to be fatal, which means that retrying the failed operation straight away would only lead to the same error again.

When writing code, the general assumption is that everything should work fine all of the time, so errors are exceptions to the rule. In fact, most code a computer runs executes successfully.

When an error happens, the software should deal with it. Here are some possibilities:

  1. Tolerate the error. Maybe look for an alternative action.
  2. Automatically correct the error.
  3. Report the error and let the next level up decide what to do.
    Errors are often forwarded from software layer to software layer until they reach the human operator.

Error causes are manifold and mostly unforeseeable during development. Therefore it is hard for the software to make a decision about how to deal with an error based on the type of error. Normally, the action to be taken depends on the source code position (considering the whole call stack) where the error happened.


This document does not cover the subjects of error correction or error tolerance. However, it is worth noting that, if there is a way to tolerate or correct an error, or if there is an alternative action, chances are that the first failure was not completely unexpected. If a particular error condition is expected to occur often and has specific code to deal with it, it should probably not be regarded as a fatal error, but as a normal scenario that is handled in the standard applicaton logic. Normal scenarios should not raise C++ exceptions or use the error-handling support routines.

Consider an application that looks for its configuration files in several places. The bash shell, for example, reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc on start-up, if these files exist. If the application tries to open the first configuration file, and it does not exist, it should not regard it as an error condition and raise a standard error exception. Such an exception would have to be caught in the standard error handler, which would have to implement a filter in order to ignore that particular error for that particular file. If you think about it, it is documented that those files may not exist, and that is not really an error.

Instead, the application should check beforehand if the first configuration file exists with the stat syscall. Alternatively it should check if the open syscall returns error code ENOENT. That may mean calling open directly for the first configuration file, instead of using the usual open_e() wrapper (see further below about writing such helper routines). The open_e() wrapper would raise a standard error if the file does not exist, and should be used only in situations where a file is expected to exist, and if it does not, then it's a real, unexpected, fatal error condition.


Robust error handling is costly but it is an important aspect of software development. Choosing a good strategy from the beginning reduces costs in the long run. These are the main goals:

  1. Provide helpful error messages.
  2. Deliver the error messages timely and to the right person.
    The developer may want more information than the user.
  3. Limit the fallout after an error condition.
    Only the operation that failed should be affected, the rest should continue to run.
  4. Reduce the development costs of:
    • adding error checks to the source code.
    • repurposing existing code.

Non-goals are:

  1. Improve software fault tolerance.
    Normally, when an error occurs, the operation that caused it is considered to have failed. This document does not deal with error tolerance at all.
  2. Optimise error-handling performance.
    In normal scenarios, only the successful (non-error) paths need to be fast. This may not hold true on critical, real-time systems, where the error response time needs to meet certain constrains.
  3. Optimise memory consumption.
    Good error messages and proper error handling comes at a cost, but the investment almost always pays off.

Implicit Transaction Semantics

Whenever a routine reports an error, the underlying assumption is that the whole operation failed, and not just part of it, because recovering from a partial failure is very difficult. Transaction semantics simplify error handling considerably and usually expected. This means that, when a routine fails, it should automatically "clean up" before reporting the error. That is, the routine must roll back any steps it had performed towards its goal. The idea is that, once the error cause is eliminated, calling the routine again should always succeed.

Now consider a scenario where routine PrintFile() opens a given file and then fails to print its contents because the printer happens to be off-line. The caller expects that the opened filehandle has been automatically closed upon failure. Otherwise, when the printer comes back online, the next call to PrintFile() could fail, because the previous unclosed filehandle may hold an exclusive file lock. The automatic clean-up assumption is the only feasible way to write code, for the caller cannot close the file handle itself in the case of error, as it may not even know that a file handle was involved at all.

Another example would be a failed bank money transfer: if the source account has been charged, and the destination account fails to receive the money, you need to undo the charge on the source account before reporting that the money transfer as failed.

Errors When Handling a Previous Error

An error handler may have several tasks to perform, such as cleaning up resources, rolling any half-finished actions back, writing an entry to the application log or adding further information to the original error. If one of those operations fails, you will have the unpleasant situation of dealing with a secondary error. It is always hard to deal with errors inside error handlers for the following reasons:

  1. Error handlers can usually deal with a single error. The secondary error may get lost, or it may mask the original error.
  2. An error during the clean-up phase may yield a memory or resource leak.
  3. A failed roll-back phase may break the "complete success or complete failure" rule and leave a partially-completed operation behind.
  4. There is a never-ending recursion here: if you write code in the first-level error handler in order to deal with a secondary error, you may encounter yet another error there too. That would be a tertiary error then. Now, if you try to deal with a tertiary error in the second-level error handler, then...

The following rules help keep the cost of writing error handlers under control:

  1. Write code with an eventual roll-back in mind.
  2. Minimize room for failure in the error handlers.
  3. Assume that error handlers have no bugs. If you detect an error within an error handler, terminate the application abruptly. This means that testing error handlers becomes critical. Fortunately, bugs inside error handlers tend to be rare.

For example, say routine ModifyFiles() needs to modify 2 files named A and B. You could do this:

  1. Open file A.
  2. Modify file A.
  3. Close file A.
  4. Open file B.
  5. Modify file B.
  6. Close file B.

The trouble is, if an error happens opening file B, it's hard to roll back any changes in file A. Keep in mind that opening a file is the operation most likely to fail.

You would be less exposed to errors if you implemented the following sequence instead:

  1. Open file A.
  2. Open file B.
  3. Modify file A.
  4. Modify file B.
  5. Close file A.
  6. Close file B.

The clean-up logic in case of error has been reduced to 2 filehandle closing operations, which are unlikely to fail. If something as straightforward as that still fails, look at section "Abrupt Termination" below for reasons why such a drastic action may be the best option.

This approach is even better:

  1. Open file A.
  2. Open file B.
  3. Create file A2.
  4. Create file B2.
  5. Copy file A contents to file A2.
  6. Modify file A2.
  7. Copy file B contents to file B2.
  8. Modify file B2.
  9. Close file A.
  10. Close file A2.
  11. Close file B.
  12. Close file B2.
  13. Checkpoint, see below for more information.
  14. Delete file A.
  15. Delete file B.
  16. Rename file A2 to file A.
  17. Rename file B2 to file B.

If anything fails before the checkpoint, the error handler only has to close file descriptors, which is unlikely to fail. After the checkpoint, there is no easy way to recover from errors. However, if the files alreaday exist, deleting and renaming them is also likely to succeed.

The scenario above occurs so often that even mainstream Operating Systems are starting to implement transactional support in their filesystems. There is even transactional memory support in some platforms, although it is not normally designed for error-handling purposes. If your filesystem supports transactions, and assuming that modifying the files takes a long time and consumes many system resources, you could protect the whole operation with minimal effort like this:

  1. Do everything above up until the checkpoint.
  2. Begin filesystem transaction.
  3. Delete file A.
  4. Delete file B.
  5. Rename file A2 to file A.
  6. Rename file B2 to file B.
  7. End filesystem transaction.

If an error occurs within the transaction, it is unlikely that the transaction rollback fails. After all, it is a service provided by the Operating System specifically designed for that purpose. Should the rollback nevertheless fail, these are your options:

  1. Ignore the rollback error and report the original error.
    You may leave inconsistent data behind, see below.
  2. Report the secondary error.
    Note that raising a normal error from inside clean-up code may give the caller the wrong impression about what really happened, as the context information for the first error will not be present in the error message.
  3. Report both errors together. But merging the errors could also fail, generating a tertiary error. And so on.
  4. Terminate the application abruptly.

Reporting any of the errors and then carrying on is risky, as you may leave a half-finished operation behind. Think of a money transfer where the money is neither in the source nor in the destination account. You could try to add to the error message an indication that the data may be corrupt, but that hint is only useful to a human operator. Consider adding a to our ModifyFiles() routine a boolean flag to indicate that the transaction has only partially succeeded. What should an automated caller do in that case? Let's say that a human operator gets the message with that special hint, he will probably ignore it if in a hurry. Assume for a moment that the human operator wants to do something about it. He will probably not be able to fix the data inconsistency with normal means anyway. Shortly afterwards, further transactions could keep coming, maybe through other human operators, and those transactions could now build upon the inconsistent data. Fixing the mess afterwards may be really hard indeed.

In such a situation, abruptly terminating the application may actually be the best option. At the very least, the operator will wonder whether the transaction succeeded or not, and will probably check afterwards. But more often than not, such a catastrophic crash will prompt the intervention of a system administrator, or trigger some higher-level backup file recovery mechanism that can deal with the data consistency problem more effectively.


Writing good error-handling logic can be costly, and sometimes compromises must be made:

Unpleasant Error Messages

In order to keep development costs under control, the techniques described below may tend to generate error messages that are too long or unpleasant to read. However, such drawbacks easily outweight the disadvantages of delivering too little error information. After all, errors should be the exception rather than the rule, so users should not need to read too many error messages during normal operation.

Abrupt Termination

Sometimes, it may be desirable to let an application panic on a severe error than to try and cope with the error condition or ignore it altogether.

Some error conditions may indicate that memory is corrupt or that a data structure has invalid information that hasn't been detected soon enough. If the application carries on, its behaviour may well be undefined (it may act randomly), which may be even more undesirable than an instant crash.

Leaving a memory, handle or resource leak behind is not an option either, because the application will crash or fail later on for a seemingly random reason. The user will probably not be able to provide an accurate error report, and the error will not be easy to reproduce either. The real cause will be very hard to discover and the user will quickly loose confidence in the general application stability.

Some errors are just too expensive or virtually impossible to handle, especially when they occur in clean-up sections. An example could be a failed close( file_descriptor ); syscall in a clean-up section, which should never fail, and when it does, there is not much the error handler can do about it. In most cases, a file descriptor is closed after the work has been done. If the descriptor fails to close, the code probably attempted to close the wrong one, leaving a handle leak behind. Or the descriptor was already closed, in which case it's probably a very simple logic error that will manifest itself early and is easy to fix.

See section "Errors When Handling a Previous Error" above for other error conditions that could break the transaction semantics (the 'fully succeeded' or 'fully failed' rule). Leaving corrupt or inconsistent data behind is probably worse than an instant crash too. At some point during development of clean-up and error-handling code, you'll have to draw the line and treat some errors as irrecoverable panics. Otherwise, the code will get too complicated to maintain economically.

Abrupt termination is always unpleasant, but a controlled crash at least lets the user know what went wrong. Although it may sound counterintuitive, such an immediate crash will probably help improve the software quality in the long run, as there will be an incentive to fix the error quickly together with a helpful panic report.

After all, if you are worried about adding "artificial" panic points to your source code, keep in mind that you will not be able to completely rule out abrupt termination anyway. Just touching a NULL pointer, freeing the same memory block twice, calling some OS syscall with the wrong memory address or using too much stack space at the wrong place may terminate your application at once.

Besides, a complete crash will trigger any emergency mechanism installed, like reverting to the last consistent data backup, automatically restarting the failed service/daemon and timely alerting human system administrators. Such a recovery course may be better than any unpredictable behaviour down the line due to a previous error that was handled incorrectly.

Do Not Install Your Own Critical Error Handler

Some people are tempted to write clever unexpected error handlers to help deal with panics, or even avoid them completely. However, it is usually better to focus on the emergency recovery procedures after the crash rather than installing your own crash handler in an attempt at capturing more error information or surviving the unknown error condition.

Your Operating System will probably do a better job at collecting crash information, you may just need to enable its crash reporting features. You don't want to interfere with that process, because, if your memory contents or window handlers are already corrupt or invalid, trying to run your crash handler may make matters worse and corrupt or even mask the original crash altogether.

Getting an in-application crash handler right is hard if not downright impossible, and I've seen quite a few of them failing themselves after the first application failure they were supposed to report. If you have time to spare on fatal error scenarios, try to minimise their consequences by designing the software so that it can crash at any time without serious consequences. For example, you could save the user data at regular intervals before the crash, like some text editors or word processors do. In fact, this approach is gaining popularity with the advent of smartphone apps and Windows 8 Metro-style applications, where the Operating System may suddenly yank an app from memory without warning.

For other kinds of software, you can also consider configuring the system to automatically restart any important service when it crashes, or to trigger some automated data recovery mechanism. Finally, you may also direct your remaining efforts at improving your software quality process instead.

Handling an Out-of-Memory Situation

Handling an out-of-memory situation is difficult and most software does not bother even trying. In my experience, even mainstream Operating System tend to crash completely when the system is short of memory. If not, at the very least important system services stop functioning properly at that point. After all, most system services are now implemented as normal user-space processes.

Fortunately, out of memory scenarios are rare nowadays. Some systems take a cavalier approach and start killing user applications in order to release memory, look for the Linux OOM Killer for more information. And, due to wonders virtual memory, your system will probably thrash itself to death before your application ever gets a NULL pointer back from malloc.

If you are writing embedded software, you must prevent excessive memory usage by design. This can be hard, as it is often difficult to estimate how much heap memory a given data structure will consume. If an application needs to process random external events and uses several complex data structures, you may have to resort to empiric evidence. In debug builds, you should run a periodic assertion on the amount of free memory left, so that you get an early warning when you approach the limit during development.

In any case, when your application encounters an out-of-memory situation, there is not much it can do about it. Attempting to handle such an error will probably fail as well, as handling an error usually needs memory too.

In order to alleviate the problem, your application could stop accepting new requests or processing new events if the available memory falls under some limit. The trouble is, the amount of available memory can change drastically without notice, so it may be past the free memory check that there suddendly is no memory left. For many embedded applications, not accepting requests any more is far worse than a controlled crash. Keep in mind that most out-of-memory conditions are caused by a memory or resource leak in your own software. If your application stopped accepting requests when low on memory, you would be effectively turning a memory leak into an application freeze or denial-of-service situation. A controlled crash-and-restart would clean the memory leak and allow the application to function again, if only until the next restart.

A common "solution" is to write a malloc wrapper that terminates the application abruptly if there is no memory left. This way, the user will get a notification at the first point of failure. Otherwise, if the wrapper throws a standard error, the error handler will probably fail again for the same reason anyway, and the application might hang or misbehave instead of terminating "properly".

You could also write your error-handling helper routines in such a robust manner that they still work in low-memory situations. For example, you can pre-allocate a fixed memory buffer per thread in order to hold at least a reasonably-long error message, should a normal malloc() call fail. But then you will not be able to use the standard std::runtime_error or std::string classes. And your compiler and run-time libraries will conspire against you, for even throwing an empty C++ exception with GCC will allocate a piece of dynamic memory behind the scenes. And the first pre-allocation per thread may fail. And the code will become more complex than you might imagine. And so on.

Therefore, if your application allocates big memory buffers, you should probably handle the eventual out-of-memory error when creating them. For all other small memory allocations, it is probably not worth writing special code in order to deal with it. It may even be desirable to crash straight away.

How to Generate Helpful Error Messages

Let's say you press the 'print' button on your accounting application and the printing fails. Here are some example error messages, ordered by message quality:

  1. Kernel panic / blue screen / access violation.
  2. Nothing gets printed, and there is no error message.
  3. There was an error.
  4. Error 0x03A5.
  5. Error 0x03A5: Write access denied.
  6. Error opening file: Error 0x03A5: Write access denied.
  7. Error opening file "invoice arrears.txt": Error 0x03A5: Write access denied.
  8. Error printing letters for invoice arrears: Error opening file "invoice arrears.txt": Error 0x03A5: Write access denied.
  9. I cannot start printing the letters because write access to file "invoice arrears.txt" was denied.
  10. Before trying to print those letters, please remove the write-protection tab from the SD Card.
    In order to do that, remove the little memory card you just inserted and flip over the tiny white plastic switch on its left side.
  11. You don't need to print those letters. Those customers are not going to pay. Get over it.

Let's evaluate each of the error messages above:

  1. Worst-case scenario.
  2. Awful. Have you ever waited to no avail for a page to come out of a printer?
    When printing, there usually is no success indication either, so the user will wonder and probably try again after a few seconds. If the operation did not actually fail, but the printer just happens to be a little slow, he will end up with 2 or more printed copies. It happens to me all the time, and we live in 2013 now.
    If the printing did fail, where should the user find the error cause? He could try and find the printer's spooler queue application. Or he could try with 'strace'. Or look in the system log file. Or maybe the CUPS printing service maintains a separate log file somewhere?
  3. Negligent development.
  4. Unprofessional development.
  5. You show some hope as a programmer.
  6. You are getting the idea.
  7. You are implementing the idea properly.
  8. This is the most that you can achieve in practice.
    The error message has been generated by a computer, and it shows: it is too long, clunky and sounds artificial. But the error message is still helpful, and it contains enough information for the user to try to understand what went wrong, and for the developer to quickly pin-point the issue. It's a workable compromise.
  9. Unrealistic. This text implies that the error message generation was deferred to a point where both knowledge was available about the high-level operation that was being carried out (printing letters) and about the particular low-level operation that failed (opening a file). This kind of error-handling logic would be too hard to implement in real life.
    Alternatively, the software could check the most common error scenarios upfront, before attempting to print the letters. However, that strategy does not scale, and it's not worth implementing if the standard error-handling is properly written. Consider checking beforehand if there is any paper left in the printer. If the user happens to have a printer where the paper level reporting does not work properly, the upfront check would not let him print, even if it would actually work. Implementing an "ignore this advance warning" would fix it, but you don't want the user to dismiss that warning every time. Should you also implement a "don't show this warning again today" button for each possible advance warning?
  10. In your dreams. But there is an aspect of this message that the Operating System could have provided in the messages above: instead of saying "write access denied", it could have said "write access denied because the storage medium is write protected". Or, better still, "cannot modify the file because the memory card is physically write protected". That is doable, because it's a common error and the OS could internally find out the reason for the write protection and provide a textual description of the write-protected media type. But Linux could never build such error messages with its errno-style error reporting.
    Providing a hint about fixing the problem is not so unrealistic as it might appear at first. After all, Apple's NSError class in the Cocoa framework has fields like localizedRecoverySuggestion, localizedRecoveryOptions and even NSErrorRecoveryAttempting. I do think that such fine implementation is overkill and hard to implement in practice across operating system and libraries, but proving a helpful recovery hint in the error message could achievable.
  11. Your computer has become self-aware. You may stop worrying now about error handling in your source code.

Therefore, the best achievable error message in practice, assuming that the Operating System developers have read this guide too, would be:

Error printing letters for invoice arrears: Error opening file "invoice arrears.txt": Cannot open the file with write access. Try switching the write protection tab over on the memory card.

Note that I left the error code out, as it does not really help. More on that further below.

The end-user will read such long error messages left-to-right, and may only understand it up to a point, but that could be enough to make the problem out and maybe to work around it. If there is a useful hint at the end, hopefully the user will also read it. Should the user decide to send the error message to the software developer, there will be enough detail towords the right to help locate the exact issue down some obscure library call.

Such an error message gets built from right to left. When the 'open' syscall fails, the OS delivers the error code (0x03A5) and the low-level error description "Cannot open the file with write access". The OS may add the suffix "Try switching the write protection tab over on the memory card" or an alternative like "The file system was mounted in read-only mode" after checking whether the card actually has such a switch that is currently switched on. A single string is built out of these components and gets returned to the level above in the call stack. Instead a normal 'return' statement, you would raise a C++ exception with 'throw' (or fill in some error information object passed from above). At every relevant stage in the way up while unwinding the call stack (at every 'catch' point), the error string becomes a new prefix (like "Error opening file "invoice arrears.txt": "), and the exception gets passed further up (gets 'rethrown'). At the top level (the last 'catch'), the final error message is presented to the user.

The source code will contain a large number of 'throw' statements but only a few 'catch/rethrow' points. There will be very few final 'catch' levels, except for user interface applications, where each button-press event handler will need one. However, all such user interface 'catch' points will look the same: they will probably call some helper routine in order to display a standard modal error message box.

How to Write Error Handlers

Say you have a large program written in C++ with many nested function calls, like this example:

int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )

void b ( void )

void c ( const char * filename )
   d( filename );

void d ( const char * filename )
   e( filename );

void e ( const char * filename )
   // Error check example: we only accept filenames that are at least 10 characters long.

   if ( strlen( filename ) < 10 )
     // What now? Ideally, we should report that the filename should be at least 10 characters long.

   // Yes, you should check the return value of printf(), see further below for more information.

   if ( printf( "About to open file %s", filename ) < 0 )
     // What now?

   FILE * f = fopen( filename, ... );
   if ( f == NULL )
     // What now?

Let's try to deal with the errors in routine e() above. It's a real pain, as it distracts us from the real work we need to do. But it has to be done.

Here is a very common approach where all routines return an integer error code, like most Linux system calls do. Note that zero means no error.

int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
   int error_code = b();
   if ( error_code != 0 )
     fprintf( stderr, "Error %d calling b().", error_code );
     return 1;  // This is equivalent to exit(1);
                // We could also return error_code directly, but you need to check
                // what the exit code limit is on your operating system.

void b ( void )
   int err_code_1 = c("file1.txt")
   if ( err_code_1 != 0 )
     return err_code_1;

   int err_code_2 = c("file2.txt")
   if ( err_code_2 != 0 )
     return err_code_2;

int c ( const char * filename )
   int err_code = d( filename );
   if ( err_code != 0 )
     return err_code;

int d ( const char * filename )
   int err_code = e( filename );
   if ( err_code != 0 )
     return err_code;

void e ( const char * filename )
   if ( strlen( filename ) < 10 )
     return some non-zero value, but which one?
            Shall we create our own list of error codes?
            Or should we just pick a random one from errno.h, like EINVAL?

   if ( printf( "About to open file %s", filename ) < 0 )
     return some non-zero value, but which one? Note that printf() sets errno.

   FILE * f = fopen( filename, ... );
   if ( f == NULL )
     fprintf( stderr, "Error opening file %s: %s", filename, e.what() );
     return some non-zero value, but which one? Note that fopen() sets errno.

As shown in the example above, the code has become less readable. All function calls are now inside if() statements, and you have to manually check the return values for possible errors. Maintaining the code has become cumbersome.

There is just one place in routine main() where the final error message gets printed, which means that only the original error code makes its way to the top and any other context information gets lost, so it's hard to know what went wrong during which operation. We could call printf() at each point where an error is detected, like we do after the fopen() call, but then we would be calling printf() all over the place. Besides, we may want to return the error message to a caller over the network or display it to the user in a dialog box, so printing errors to the standard output may not be the right thing to do.

The same code uses C++ exceptions and looks much more readable:

int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
   catch ( const std::exception & e )
     // We can decide here whether we want to print the error message to the console, write it to a log file,
     // display it in a dialog box, send it back over the network, or all of those options at the same time.
     fprintf( stderr, "Error calling b(): %s", e.what() );
     return 1;

void b ( void )

void c ( const char * filename )
   d( filename );

void d ( const char * filename )
   e( filename );

void e ( const char * filename )
   if ( strlen( filename ) < 10 )
     throw std::runtime_error( "The filename should be at least 10 characters long." );

   if ( printf( "About to open file %s", filename ) < 0 )
     throw std::runtime_error( collect_errno_msg( "Cannot write to the application log: " ) );

   FILE * f = fopen( filename, ... );
   if ( f == NULL )
     throw std::runtime_error( collect_errno_msg( "Error opening file %s: ", filename ) );

If the strlen() check above fails, the throw() invocation stops execution of routine e() and returns all the way up to the 'catch' statement in routine main() without executing any more code in any of the intermediate callers b(), c(), etc.

We still have a number of error-checking if() statements in routine e(), but we could write thin wrappers for library or system calls like printf() and fopen() in order to remove most of those if()'s. A wrapper like fopen_e() would just call fopen() and throw an exception in case of error, so the caller does not need to check with if() any more.

Improving the Error Message with try/catch Statements

Let's improve routine e() so that all error messages generated by that routine automatically mention the filename. That should also be the case for any errors generated by any routines called from e(), even though those routines may not get the filename passed as a parameter. The improved code looks like this:

void e ( const char * filename )
     if ( strlen( filename ) < 10 )
       throw std::runtime_error( "The filename should be at least 10 characters long." );

     if ( printf( "About to open file %s", filename ) < 0 )
       throw std::runtime_error( collect_errno_msg( "Cannot write to the application log: " ) );

     FILE * f = fopen( filename, ... );
     if ( f == NULL )
       throw std::runtime_error( collect_errno_msg( "Error opening the file." ) );
   catch ( const std::exception & e )
     throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error processing file \"%s\": %s", filename, e.what() ) );
   catch ( ... )
     throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error processing file \"%s\": %s", filename, "Unexpected C++ exception." ) );

In the example above, helper routines format_msg() and collect_errno_msg() have not been introduced yet, see below for more information.

Note that all exception types are converted to an std::exception object, so only the error message is preserved. There are other options that will be discussed in another section further ahead.

You may not need a catch(...) statement if your application uses exclusively exception classes ultimately derived from std::exception. However, if you always add one, the code will generate better error messages if an unexpected exception type does come up. Note that, in this case, we cannot recover the original exception type or error message (if there was a message at all), but the resulting error message should get the developer headed in the right direction. You should provide at least add one catch(...) statement at the application top-level, in the main() function. Otherwise, the application might end up in the unhandled exception handler, which may not be able to deliver a clue to the right person at the right time.

We could improve routine b() in the same way too:

void b ( void )
   catch ( const std::exception & e )
     throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error loading your personal address book files: %s", e.what() ) );

You need to find a good compromise when placing such catch/rethrow blocks in the source code. Write too many, and the error messages will become bloated. Write too little of them, and the error messages may miss some important clue that would help troubleshoot the problem. For example, the error message prefix we just added to routine b() may help the user realise that the affected file is part of his personal address book. If the user has just added a new address book entry, he will probably guess that the new entry is invalid or has rendered the address book corrupt. In this situation, that little error message prefix provides the vital clue that removing the new entry or reverting to the last address book backup may work around the problem.

If you look a the original code, you'll realise that routine c() is actually the first one to get the filename as a parameter, so routine c() may be the optimal place for the try/catch block we added to routine e() above. Whether the best place is c() or e(), or both, depends on who may call these routines. If you move the try/catch block from e() to c() and someone calls e() directly from outside, he will need to provide the same kind of try/catch block himself. You need to be careful with your call-tree analysis, or you may end up mentioning the filename twice in the resulting error message, but that's still better than not mentioning it at all.

Using try/catch Statements to Clean Up

Sometimes, you need to add try/catch blocks in order to clean up after an error. Consider this modified c() routine from the example above:

void c ( const char * filename )
  my_class * my_instance = new my_class();
  d( filename );
  delete my_instance;

If d() were to throw an exception, we would get a memory leak. This is one way to fix it:

void c ( const char * filename )
  my_class * my_instance = new my_class();

    d( filename );
  catch ( ... )
    delete my_instance;

  delete my_instance;

Unfortunately, C++ lacks the 'finally' clause, which I consider to be a glaring oversight. May other languages, such as Java or Object Pascal, do have 'finally' clauses. Without it, we need to write "delete my_instance;" twice in the example above. The trouble is, the code inside such catch(...) blocks tends to become out of sync with its counterpart below, and it is rarely tested. There is no easy way to avoid this kind duplication, not even with goto, as these are prohibited across the catch() block boundaries. You can factor out the clean-up code to a separate routine and call it twice, passing all clean-up candidates as function arguments. But most people resort to smart pointers and other wrapper classes, see further below for more information.

The Final Version

This is what the example code above looks like with smart pointers, wrapper functions and a little extra polish:

int main ( const int argc, char * argv[] )
   catch ( const std::exception & e )
     return top_level_error( e.what() );
   catch ( ... )
     return top_level_error( "Unexpected C++ exception." );

int top_level_error ( const char * const msg )
  if ( fprintf( stderr, "Error calling b(): %s", msg ) < 0 )
    // It's hard to decide what to do here. At least let the developer know.
    assert( false );

  return 1;

void b ( void )
   catch ( const std::exception & e )
     throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error loading your personal address book files: %s", e.what() ) );

void c ( const char * filename )
  std::auto_ptr< my_class > my_instance( new my_class() );
  d( filename );

void d ( const char * filename )
   e( filename );

void e ( const char * filename )
     if ( strlen( filename ) < 10 )
       throw std::runtime_error( "The filename should be at least 10 characters long." );

     printf_to_log_e( "About to open file %s", filename );

     auto_close_file f( fopen_e( filename, ... ) );

     const size_t read_count = fread_e( some_buffer, some_byte_count, 1, f.get_FILE() );

   catch ( const std::exception & e )
     throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error processing file \"%s\": %s", filename, e.what() ) );
   catch ( ... )
     throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error processing file \"%s\": %s", filename, "Unexpected C++ exception." ) );

Why You Should Use Exceptions

The exception mechanism is the best way to write general error-handling logic. After all, it was designed specifically for that purpose. Even though the C++ language shows some weaknesses (lack of finally clause, need of several helper routines), the exception-enabled code example above shows a clear improvement. However, there are surprisingly many oponents, especially in the context of the C++ programming language. While I don't share most of the critique, there are still issues with some compilers and some C++ runtime libraries, even as late as year 2013.

Modern applications and software frameworks tend to rely on C++ exceptions for error handling, and it is impractical to ignore C++ exceptions nowadays. The C++ Standard Template Library (STL), Microsoft's ATL and MFC are prominent examples. Just by using them you need to cater for any exceptions they might throw.

In the case of the STL, the designers seem to have put a lot of effort into avoiding making C++ exceptions a hard requirement in practice. The most common STL implementations still work even if C++ exception support is turned off when compiling. As long as you use the STL containers carefully and do not trigger any errors, everthing will work fine. You don't miss exceptions very much because the STL has always favoured speed over robustness and does little error checking except for some debug-only assertions. Using an invalid iterator, for example, leads quickly to fatal crashes. However, the official documentation still states that the library reports errors by throwing exceptions. In fact, an out-of-memory condition when inserting elements into an STL container can only be reported by throwing a C++ exception, as the library has no other way to return such an error indication. Without C++ exception support, a release build will fail or even crash without warning if that happens. However, out-of-memory conditions are often ignored altogether during development, so this particular shortcoming does not show up in practice either.

Exceptions are prevalent outside the C++ world: Java, Javascript, C#, Objective-C, Perl and Emacs Lisp, for example, use exceptions for error-handling purposes. And the list goes on.

Even plain C has a similar setjmp/longjmp mechanism. The need to quickly unwind the call stack on an error condition is a very old idea indeed.

Downsides of Using C++ exceptions

Exceptions could make the code bigger and/or slower

This should not be the case, and even if it is, it is almost always an issue with the current version of the compiler or its C++ runtime library. For example, in my experience, GCC generates smaller exception-handling code for the ARM platform than for the PowerPC.

But first of all, even if the code size does increase or if the software becomes slower, it may not matter much. Better error-handling support may be much more important.

In theory, logic that uses C++ exceptions should generate smaller code than the traditional if/else approach, because the exception-handling support is normally implemented with stack unwind tables that can be efficiently shared (commoned up) at link time.

Because source code that uses exceptions does not need to check for errors at each call (with the associated branch/jump instruction), the resulting machine code should run faster in the normal (non-error) scenario and slower if an exception occurs (as the stack unwinder is generic, table-driven routine). This is actually an advantage, as speed is not normally important when handling error conditions.

However, code size or speed may still be an issue in severely-constrained embedded environments. Enabling C++ exceptions has an initial impact in the code size, as the stack unwinding support needs to be linked in. Compilers may also conspire against you. Let's say you are writing a bare-metal embedded application for a small microcontroller that does not use dynamic memory at all (everything is static). With GCC, turning on C++ exceptions means pulling in the malloc() library, as its C++ runtime library creates exception objects on the heap. Such an strategy may be faster on average, but is not always welcome. The C++ specification allows for exception objects to be placed on the stack and to be copied around when necessary during stack unwinding. Another implementation could also use a separate, fixed-size memory area for that purpose. However, GCC offers no alternative implementation.

GCC's development is particularly sluggish in the embedded area. After years of neglect, version 4.8.0 finally gained configuration switch --disable-libstdcxx-verbose, which avoids linking in big chunks of the standard C I/O library just because you enabled C++ exception support. If you are not compiling a standard Linux application, chances are that the C++ exceptions tables are generated in the "old fashioned" way, which means that the stack unwind tables will have to be sorted on first touch. The first throw() statement will incur a runtime penalty, and, depending on your target embedded OS, this table sorting may not be thread safe, so you may have sort the tables on start-up, increasing the boot time.

Debug builds may get bigger when turning C++ exceptions on. The compiler normally assumes that any routine can throw an exception, so it may generate more exception-handling code than necessary. Ways to avoid this are:

  1. Append "throw()" to the function declarations in the header files.
    This indicates that the function will never throw an exception. Use it sparingly, or you may find it difficult to add an error check in one of those routines at a later point in time.
  2. Turn on global optimisation (LTO).
    The compiler will then be able to determine whether a function called from another module could ever throw an exception, and optimise the callers accordingly.
    Unfortunately, using GCC's LTO is not yet a viable option on many architectures. You may be tempted to discard LTO altogether because of the lack of debug information on LTO-optimised executables (as of GCC version 4.8).

Exceptions are allegedly unsafe because they tend to break existing code more easily

The usual argument is that, if you make a change somewhere deep down the code, an exception might come up at an unexpected place higher up the call stack and break the existing software. For someone used to the traditional C coding style (assuming he is not using setjmp/longjmp), it is not immediately obvious that program execution may interrupt its normal top-to-bottom flow at (almost) any point in time, whenever an error occurs.

However, I believe that developers are better off embracing the idea of defensive programming and exception safety from the start. With or without exceptions, errors do tend to come up at unexpected places in the end. Even if you are writing a pure math library, someone at some point in time is going to try to divide by zero somewhere deep down in a complicated algorithm.

It is true that, if the old code handles errors with manual if() statements, adding a new error condition normally means adding extra if() sentences that make new code paths more obvious. However, when a routine gains an error return code, existing callers are often not amended to check it. Furthermore, it is unlikely that developers will review the higher software layers, or even test the new error scenario, so as to make sure that the application can handle the new error condition correctly.

More importantly, in such old code there is a strong urge to handle errors only whenever necessary, that is, only where error checks occur. As a result, if a piece of code was not expecting any errors from all the routines it calls, and one of those routines can now report an error, the calling code will not be ready to handle it. Therefore, the developer adding an error condition deep down below may need to add a whole bunch of if() statements in many layers above in order to handle that new error condition. You need to be careful when adding such if() statements around: if any new error check could trigger an early return, you need to know what resources need to be cleaned up beforehand. That means inspecting a lot of older code that other developers have written. Anything that breaks further up is now your reponsibility, for the older code was "working correctly" in the past. This amounts to a great social deterrant from adding new error checks.

Let's illustrate the problem with an example. Say you have this kind of code, which does not use exceptions at all:

void a ( void )
  my_class * my_instance = new my_class();
  delete my_instance;

If b() does not return any error indication, there is no need to protect my_instance with a smart pointer. If b()'s implementation changes and it now needs to return an error indication, you should amend routine a() to deal with it as follows:

bool a ( void )
  my_class * my_instance = new my_class();
  if ( ! b() )
     delete my_instance;
     return false;
  delete my_instance;
  return true;

That means you have to read and understand a() in order to add the "return false;" statement in the middle. You need to check if it safe to destroy the object at that point in time. Maybe you should change the implementation to use a smart pointer now, which may affect other parts of the code. Note that a() has gained a return value, so all callers need to be amended similarly. In short, you have to analyse and modify existing code all the way upwards in order to support the new error path.

If the original code had been written in a defensive manner, with techniques like Resource Acquisition Is Initialization, and had used C++ exceptions from the scratch, chances are it would already have been ready to handle any new error conditions that could come up in the middle of execution. If not, any unsafe code (any resource not managed by a smart pointer, and so on) is a bug which can be more easily assigned to the original developer. Unsafe code may also be fixed during code reviews before the new error condition comes. Such code makes it easier to add error checks, because a developer does not need to check and modify so much code in the layers above, and is less exposed to blame if something breaks somewhere higher up as a result.

Therefore, for the reasons above, I am not convinced that relying on old-style if() statements for error-handling purposes helps writing better code in the long run.

Do Not Use Exceptions for Anything Else Than Error Conditions

Throwing an exception is a handy way to quickly return from a deeply-nested callee to a caller several levels up the call tree. Such a shortcut may save you the trouble of having to add a new argument to many routines all over the place. But you need to resist that temptation. Reasons are:

  1. Convention. Everybody expects that an exception means an error has occurred. Using exceptions for normal logic will cause confusion.
  2. Performance. The exception mechanism is slower than normal execution. Some implementations (like GCC's, as of version 4.8), require a malloc per throw() statement.
  3. Developer productivity. It is handy to set the debugger to stop the application at the point where an exception is thrown, especially when testing the sunny-day scenario, where no errors are expected (which is what developers do most of the time). The trouble is, if exceptions are used in the sunny-day scenario too, then breaking on exception is no longer feasible. Therefore, whenever an error occurs, the developer loses the convenience of having the debugger stopping right where the error happened in the first place. See below for more information on this subject.

You might think that the rules above are so obvious that are not worth mentioning here. After all, errors should be the exception rather than the rule (pun intended). However, I still get the odd surprise every now and then. Consider the relatively-modern Microsoft .NET framework. After opening a listening network socket with BeginAccept(), at some point in time you will want to close it. When you do, the callback routine gets called, and when this routine calls EndAccept(), an exception (an error) is raised. The callback routine needs to catch the exception and check its type in order to distinguish between the normal socket-closing scenario and a real error scenario. That's just the wrong way to indicate that a listening socket has been closed gracefully by the same application.

About automatically breaking on error, some environments such Java or .NET offer the option to start a debugger whenever exception of interest occurs. The debugger can then save detailed troubleshooting information like the call stack and a memory snapshot at the time the exception was raised.

Note that some tools, like BoundsChecker, allow you to set a general "break on exception" rule but can configure a few cases to skip, based on the source code location of the throw() statement or on the call-stack shape. That kind of flexibility is hard to find, and, in any case, you need to spend some time upfront until the tool learns all the cases to skip. That's why it's best to restrict the usage of C++ exceptions to actual errors only.

Never Ignore Error Indications

I once had Win32 GetCursorPos() failing on a remote Windows 2000 without a mouse when remotely controlled with a kind of VNC software. Because the code ignored the error indication, a random mouse position was passed along and it made the application randomly fail later on. As soon as I sat in front of the remote PC, I connected the mouse and then I could not reproduce the random failures any more. The VNC software emulated a mouse on the remote PC (a mouse cursor was visible), so the cause wasn't immediately obvious. And Windows 2000 without that VNC software also provided a mouse pointer position even if you didn't have one. It was the combination of factors that triggered the issue. It was probably a bug in Windows 2000 or in the VNC software, but still, even a humble assert around GetCursorPos(), which is by no means a proper error check, would have saved me much grief.

The upshot is, everything can fail at any point in time. Always check. If you really, really don't have the time, add at least a "to do" comment to the relevant place in the source code, so that the next time around you or some other colleague eventually adds the missing error condition check.

Using Smart Pointers for Clean-Up Purposes

Do Not Pass Smart Pointers Around

If you use a smart pointer class for clean-up purposes, it's best to have a single smart pointer instance per resource to clean up. This way, it's easier to work out the resource's lifetime. Passing a smart pointer as a function argument may imply transferring ownership or increasing a reference count, which advances or delays the resource's destruction and is not normally what you want. Furthermore, passing a raw pointer is always faster.

For example, if you use std::auto_ptr, the code should look like this:

std::auto_ptr< my_class > my_instance( new my_class() );
my_func_1( my_instance.get() );
my_func_2( my_instance.get() );

If the resource you need to clean up lives in a class instance, it is probably best to avoid adding a smart pointer for it as a class member, especially if those class instances can be moved or copied around. Instead, add a raw pointer and write code in the class destructor to manually clean up the embedded resource.

Watch Out with std::auto_ptr and Object Arrays

The standard library only provides auto pointer class std::auto_ptr for objects allocated with operator new. If you allocate an array of objects, instead of a single one, this class will compile fine, and will work on many platforms, but not on all of them. This illustrates the pitfall:

std::auto_ptr< char > my_var_1 ( new char );  // Fine.
std::auto_ptr< char > my_var_2 ( new char [ 100 ] );  // Wrong.

The problem is that operator delete is the wrong one to call for a char array, you need to call the array version of operator delete, namely operator delete[].

The Boost libraries offer scoped_ptr and scoped_array as a replacement for this usage scenario.

Avoid std::shared_ptr

Smart pointers of type std::shared_ptr are fine when used for the purpose they were originally created, but some people use them as a replacement for the kind of clean-up wrapper classes described further above. These pointers are convenient because they let you specify a custom destructor routine that does the actual resource clean-up, which saves the effort of writing a new wrapper class. However, shared pointers have their own issues, so it's best to avoid them. After all, writing a wrapper class is not really a big deal. The issues with shared pointers are:

  1. It's easy to make the mistake of passing them around, which may inadvertently extend the object lifetime and, as a result, delay the clean-up operation. In the case of a delayed file handle close operation, the file may remain locked longer than necessary, preventing another program (or the same one) from immediately re-opening it.
  2. In order to avoid potential racing conditions, a shared pointer implementation needs to synchronise access to its internal reference counter, which may mean locking a thread mutex (slow) or entering a critical section (threading bottleneck).

Writing Exception-Safe C++ Constructors

Most developers place clean-up code inside class destructors, so that resources are automatically released whenever necessary. However, if a constructor fails, the corresponding destructor is not called. That applies to copy constructors too. Therefore, writing an exception-safe C++ constructor requires special attention.

For example, this constructor is NOT exception safe:

MyClass::MyClass ( void )
    m_first  = new FirstClass();
    m_second = new SecondClass();
  catch ( ... )
    delete m_first;   // WRONG: This may crash.
    delete m_second;  // WRONG: This may crash too.

If FirstClass' constructor throws an exception, which may not necessarily be an out-of-memory condition, the code will try to release uninitialised pointers.

This version fixes the problem:

MyClass::MyClass ( void )
    m_first  = NULL;
    m_second = NULL;

    m_first  = new FirstClass();
    m_second = new SecondClass();
  catch ( ... )
    delete m_first;
    delete m_second;

The trick above does not work if those pointer members are marked as const. In fact, I believe that there is no way out in that case, you will have to declare those pointers as non-const members.

There is a relatively recent addition to the C++ language that allows you to write a try/catch block in order to handle exceptions from the constructor's initialiser list. Search the Internet for "Function try blocks" for more information. I believe you can only write one function try block per constructor, so they do not help either if the pointers are const members.

Checking Errors from printf()

Nobody checks the return value from printf() calls, but you should, for the following reasons:

  1. A failing printf() may provide an early warning for some other severe error condition, like the disk being full.
    If the program ignores the error and happily keeps chugging along, it may be hard to tell what went wrong. Or it may fail later on at an inconvenient time, when you actually need the software to do something useful.
  2. Writing to a log file with printf() may be part of the software's feature set, and it may be unacceptable to carry on performing actions without generating the corresponding log entries. Besides, if something else fails later on and you need to troubleshoot the problem, you'll have no log file to look at.
  3. A process' stdout may be piped to another process or even redirected over the network. These days you can easily access a remote serial port on another PC, so things that should always work, like serial port writes, could suddenly fail because of network issues. If such errors are not handled properly, the program may quit without a proper message or just crash with a generic SIGPIPE signal. Worse still, if errors are ignored, other programs down the pipe may attempt to process faulty or non-existent output from the previous process. The whole pipe may hang without an error indication.

The points above apply of course to all I/O operations on stdin, stdout and stderr, and to many languages other than C++.

Although ignoring error codes from function calls is obviously bad practice, it is so widespread that the GCC developers have added an extra warning designed to catch such sloppy code, check out function attribute warn_unused_result and compiler switch -Wunused-result for more information.

Checking the error code from printf() and the like is tedious, so you are better off writing wrapper functions. Here is a routine I have been using in Perl. It does need some improvement, but it's better than nothing. The main problem is remembering to use it instead of the prevalent print built-in routine.

sub write_stdout ( $ )
  my $str = shift;

  ( print STDOUT $str ) or
     die "Error writing to standard output: $!\n";

About Error Codes

Error Codes Are a Waste of Time

Error codes do not really help, only the error message does. To the average user, error codes are just noise on the line. Developers will also need to translate such codes into some source code constant or human-readable error string, so it's a waste of time for them too.

The only scenario where an error code could be helpful is if the developer does not understand the end-user's language at all. For example, an English developer may get an error message in Chinese. However, most Chinese users would probably gladly provide an English translation in order to get their problems solved quickly. Furthermore, nowadays most error messages are communicated electronically, so the developer should have no trouble searching for the translated text in the source code in order to locate the corresponding error strings in English.

That is the reason why your error dialog boxes should always include a prominent button to copy the error message to the clipboard in plain-text form. If the user takes a screen snapshot as a bitmap, you may have trouble typing text in a foreign alphabet into your search box.

Beware that error codes are firmly entrenched in computer error messages. They have become part of the general computing culture. Therefore, you may find it difficult to leave them out of your error messages.

Providing Error Codes Only

There are many Operating Systems, libraries, APIs, etc. that rely on error codes exclusively in order to report error conditions. This is always a mistake, as error codes are not immediately useful without the user manual and can only provide information about a particular, low-level condition, but not about any other circumstantial information that could also help identify the problem.

Error codes are often re-used, as they would otherwise grow with each new software version to an unmanageably long list. With each reuse, error codes gain ambiguity and thus lose expressiveness. Furthermore, error codes often force you to discard error information coming from lower software layers whose error codes cannot be effectively mapped to your own codes. That may not be the case now, but it may happen to your code library in the future. Say for example that your library starts storing its data in an SQL database, but this backend change should be transparent to the library user. Any SQL error messages will get discarded if your library's API can only report errors with a set of predefined error codes. In the end, an error code alone does not normally provide enough information to be really useful, so the user needs to resort to other sources like the application's console output or its log file.

Even if you are writing firmware for a severely-constrained embedded environment, you should strive to provide a way to report proper error messages in your code and communication protocols. Until your embedded hardware platform grows, you may have to limit your error messages to a set of predefined mnemonics. You may even have to re-use some of them. However, there is a good chance that your software will be re-used on a bigger platform, and then you can start reporting errors properly without having to re-engineer your code and protocols.

Look at Linux routine open(), for example. The Linux Programmer's Manual documents 21 error codes as of september 2013. Wouldn't life be great if there were only 21 reasons why open() could fail? The entire errno enumeration consists of 34 entries (ENOENT, EINVAL, etc).

Microsoft has done a better job, the "Win32 Error Codes" page documents several thousands. Error codes are 32-bit values where you'll find some flags, a facility code and an error code. For further information, look at the documentation for GetLastError() and for HRESULT. It's a good try, but in the end, it falls short again. As the Operating System grows, and as you start dynamically loading libraries from all sort of vendors, there is no way you can accomodate all the different error codes and make any sense out of them.

Error Codes Should Not Be Used for Logic Decisions

It is hard enough to design and maintain a stable Application Programming Interface, so your error codes should not be a part of it. Error codes will constantly change, as new error codes are added in order to help pin-point problems more accurately. Therefore, it's best not to document all of your error codes formally, just mention a few of them as examples of what the caller may get back from a failed operation.

The logic on the caller's side should not make decisions based on the returned error codes. All the caller needs know is whether there was an error or not. Only the human user will eventually benefit from knowing exactly what went wrong. Therefore, your library users should not actually need a header file that exposes a constant for each error code. In other words, do not publish your library's version of errno.h for the end user.

TODO: Still to write further.

Managing Error Codes in Source Code

Whenever a developer writes code for a new error condition, there is a strong urge to re-use some existing error code, instead of adding a new one. This is why generic error codes like EINVAL constantly get abused until they are all but meaningless. Therefore, if you insist on using error codes in order to report error conditions, you should at least install a policy that discourages error code reuse.

Having a single, company-wide file with all possible error codes is not a workable solution. Just think of the recompilation time whenever someone adds a new error code. It's best to have a top-level file that defines error code ranges like this:

#define ERRCODE_MODULE_1_END   1999

#define ERRCODE_MODULE_2_END   2999

Each software component will need a separate header file for its error code range, like this:

enum module_2_error_code_enum
  err_before_first = ERRCODE_MODULE_2_BEGIN,

  err_bad_day      = ERRCODE_MODULE_2_BEGIN + 1,
  err_its_monday   = ERRCODE_MODULE_2_BEGIN + 2,
  err_its_raining  = ERRCODE_MODULE_2_BEGIN + 3,

  err_after_last   = ERRCODE_MODULE_2_BEGIN + 4
#if err_after_last >= ERRCODE_MODULE_2_END
#error "Overstepped assigned range."

If you follow the advice above and do not publish the individual error codes, you don't need to explicitly assign a value to each enum entry, only the initial err_before_first = ERRCODE_MODULE_2_BEGIN needs an explicit value. However, if you do publish the error codes, they normally become part of the API and should not change afterwards, especially for a shared library that has to maintain binary compatilibity against pre-compiled clients. In this case, deprecated errors will cause holes in the error code sequence, as their values will not be reused (but leave a comment at the corresponding place), and new error codes will get appended at the end of the list. In this scenario, it's best to explicitly specify each enum value, as that tends to remind that developer that error codes must remain fixed. Otherwise, adding a new entry in the middle of the enum will inadvertently shift all values downwards by 1.

Providing Rich Error Information

In addition to an error message designed for human consumption, most platforms allow the developer to provide further error information, like an error class or the call stack at the point where the error was recorded. Such extra information is rarely used in practice, the error message is what matters in the end.

For example, Microsoft must have realised at some point in time that error codes, no matter how sofisticated (see section about HRESULT further above), weren't cutting it. The outcome was the IErrorInfo COM interface and its _com_error wrapper class. IErrorInfo allows you to set a help filename and a help context ID, a feature which is rarely used. Even if you take care that a help file is always correctly installed next to your code library, the file path will become invalid as soon as you cross process, user or network boundaries.

Look also at C++, .NET, Java, Perl, etc.: they all offer some sort of way of reporting error messages as variable-length character strings. Some of them offer fancy additions too: Apple's Cocoa has fields named localizedRecoverySuggestion, NSHelpAnchorErrorKey, NSURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey and even localizedRecoveryOptions and NSErrorRecoveryAttempting in its NSError class. I wonder how much those fields are actually used in real life. Should you decide to move your code to a shared library, most such options become unusable. After all, in the end the caller may not even be a human that can read a help file or attempt an automatic recovery.

C++ and Java offer subclasses derived from a common error base class in order to differenciate between types of errors, which does not really help in most circumstances.

In .NET you can provide nested exception objects, so you can build a chain of exception objects. As a result, error dialogs often allow you to expand the next level of error information by clicking on the next '+' icon, as if you were expanding subdirectories in a file tree view. How cumbersome is that for a normal user. A couple of standard buttons like "copy error message" and "e-mail error message" would have been more helpful.

For some software environments, it's too late. Consider process exit codes under Unix: their structure (or lack of it) is cast in stone, the exit codes are always custom values. But there's some minimum standard here too: if the exit code is non-zero, you can probably retrieve some sort of error description if you capture the process' stderr output as plain text.

Imagine now that you need to write software that interoperates with other languages in other computers over the network. Your software may get ported to another platform, and parts of it may get moved to a shared library. In the end, the only practical way to pass error information back and forth is to reduce it to a single, possibly lengthy error message string. Therefore, you should focus on generating good error strings in the first place. As soon as you get an error code from some system or library call, turn it into a string and forget the original error code. And don't worry too much about all the fancy additions listed above.

Error Message Delivery

Generally, you should strive to deliver helpful error information timely and to the right person.

Preventing Sensitive Information Leakage

You may not always want to deliver full error information to a generic end user. Reasons are:

  1. In the context of a public service, like a Web server, you may give too much technical information away that an attacker could use to compromise the software.
  2. You may give away trade secrets or facilitate reverse engineering if your error information includes detailed call stacks or hints about the program's internal structure.

In such situations, you need to install a try/catch filter that forwards error information to a log file (maybe even encrypted), and then replace the error message with a generic failure indication for the end user.

Delivering Error Information in Applications with a User Interface

Every Event Handler Needs an Error Catch Point

You will probably need to add an error catch point to every user interface event handler (button press, menu option press, etc) in your application. They will all look the same, so it is best to write a comfortable helper routine for this purpose. For example:

void Button1Press ( void )
    ... whatever the button does ...
  catch ( const std::exception & e )
     DisplayStandardErrorDialogBox( e );
  catch ( ... )

Write a Good Standard Error Dialog Box

You must provide an easy way for the user to copy the error message to an e-mail, preferrably as text, instead of a bitmap like a screen snapshot. These are several alternatives in order of preference:

  1. Provide a button labelled "Copy error message to clipboard".
    Note that all standard message boxes under Windows support Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins for this purpose, but it's not mentioned anywhere.
  2. Make the error text a normal read-only text box. The moment the user clicks and sees a text cursor, he'll probably know how to select and copy the text out of it.
  3. Implement a right-click pop-up menu and provide a "Copy error text" option.
  4. Mention in the error message text that there is a log file where the error information can be located afterwards.
  5. Add to the user's guide a section about how to report bugs, and explain how to copy the error message in text form.

Provide a Log File

From the user's point of view, errors always come at the wrong time. There is a strong tendency to dismiss error dialogs immediately without reading the text inside, in order to try and get the job done quickly with other means. Afterwards, both the user and the developer will regret not having the original error message at hand. Therefore, your best bet is to save the error information to a log file before showing an error dialog box. Besides, a log file may help you find out whether an error happens often and under what circumstances.

You may want to save extra error information to the log file, in case the developer needs more details for troubleshooting purposes. See section "Throw Utility" bellow for a hint about how to implement such a feature.

If you mention in the standard error dialog that all error messages are also stored in the log file, you stand a better chance that the user or his IT administrator will find them later on.

Remember to let the user know where the log file is. You could provide a menu option or button titled "Locate Log File" that would act like Firefox's "Open containing folder" option.

It could happen that the error message is too long to display on the screen and gets chopped, so make sure you save the complete string to the log file, and not just what is displayed on the screen.

Delivering Error Information in Embedded Applications

There is nothing more frustrating than an embedded device without a user interface that crashes and immediately restarts, forgetting the error cause straight away. There are several ways to try and keep error information between restarts:

  1. Write error information synchronously to a serial console before restarting.
    However, chances are that, when the error triggers, there is no connected PC logging the serial output to disk.
  2. Send error information over the network before restarting.
    The trouble is, the kind of nasty crashes you really want to know about would probably prevent the software from using the network services too.
  3. Allocate a portion of SRAM for error logging purposes, and make sure that this SRAM area survives a soft restart.
  4. Write error information to non-volatile memory. A small FRAM chip would fit the bill perfectly.

You need to be careful with EEPROM or Flash memory. If your embedded software enters an infinite loop of failing and restarting, you could quickly exceed the memory's write endurance limit. There are some measures you can take to prevent that from happening:

  1. Skip writing a new error message if it is the same as last time.
    This means you should only try to keep the plain error message, without any date or sequence number, in the hope that the same error condition will generate exactly the same error message the next time around.
  2. Reserve enough space for several error messages (slots), and rotate among them.
  3. Discard any new errors until the last one is at least a given number of minutes old.
    This only works if your embedded device has a real-time clock or can synchronise its clock soon after starting up.
  4. Disable writing error information until a minimum uptime has been reached.
    The write-enable delay becomes then a trade-off between flash memory protection and the chance of losing error information.
    This strategy could be the best solution, because users would probably notice if an error happens short after starting the device. Many errors are often triggered by a change in the device configuration, so the user will have a better chance of troubleshooting it. However, after the device has been left alone running for some time, it is less likely that the user will be able to figure out what the error cause was.

Remember to provide a way to access the last reset reason, or write it every time to the device log on start-up, as knowing whether the last reset was caused by the software or hardware watchdog can make a difference.


A full translation is often required by law when selling to foreign public institutions, and error messages will probably be affected too. Preparing error messages for translation is not expensive when writing new code, and much more costly if it's an afterthought.

Selecting the User Language

Error messages should be in a language the user is comfortable with, be it English, German, Spanish or whatever he happens to speak. Sometimes it would be helpful to get an error message in several languages at the same time, but this normally isn't worth the development effort.

Your code should not guess the user's language based on the current operating system and the like at the point where an error happens. Instead, the language should be determined upfront. If you are writing a library, you could pass some language ID to the library's init() routine. Keep in mind that your library may end up in some multi-user server, so it's best to negotiate the language early as part of the connection handshake.

Providing Translations

You don't want human translators to be looking for scattered character strings in C++ source code they do not understand, so it is best to move all user messages to one or more separated files. There are several options:

  1. Under Windows, you can use resource files.
  2. In POSIX systems, there are message catalogs, look for catgets.
  3. Use some library like gettetxt.
  4. Write your own message table system.

There are web-based tools that help translate user messages by providing hints like similar translations already available in the database.

Note that gettext has some drawbacks:

  1. The English language is faster, which is not only unfair, but may hide performance problems from English-speaking developers.
  2. It's slow, as the English strings are hashed and then used as keys to access the translated equivalent.

Writing your own message table system may actually be the simplest and fastest option. The solution proposed below has the following advantages:

  1. Messages are retrieved by index from an array, so it is fast.
  2. The message tables are easy to maintain.
  3. It is all standard source code, so you can use standard source code diff tools.
  4. Unlike resource-based alternatives, this solution is portable, you just recompile the same code on the next target platform.

If a translation is not available, you should retrieve the English version as a fall-back.

TODO: still to write TODO: Sending a format string to the caller for internationalisation purposes is normally the wrong thing to do.

Using Positional Arguments

Messages like "Error %u found in %s when %s at time %s" are difficult to translate, as some languages often impose a certain syntactical order when writing a sentence. For example, in German, the time indication usually comes first, then the manner, and finally the place. The %s placeholder does not allow for the necessary rearrangement of these components based on the user's language.

This is where positional arguments come into play. In the Microsoft world (look at FormatMessage's documentation), a format string looks like this:

Error %1 found in %2 when %3 at time %4

A human translator may then reorder the arguments in the translated error message without modifying the C++ source code.

There are minor inconveniences with this syntax: because a placeholder actually looks like %n!format string! , in order to generate a string like "Error opening file xxx!", the ! character must be escaped. Furthermore, if the translator needs to place a digit right after a %N marker (which is unlikely), he needs to know about the full %n!format string! syntax.

There is a POSIX extension for positional arguments in printf() too, but you need to check if your platform implements it. It looks like this:

Error %1$u found in %2$s when %3$s at time %4$s

Helper Routines

Writing robust code in the face of errors is a chore that can be alleviated with the right set of helper routines. In my experience, you don't need too many of them, most of them are trivial wrapper, and, once written, they tend to remain stable. What matters most is the convention and associated development policy to use them whenever appropriate.

It is unfortunate that the C++ language and standard libraries offer little help when dealing with errors or writing resource clean-up code, which often leads to wheel reinvention.

Throw Utility

Instead of throwing an error object directly whenever an error is detected, you may want to use a LogAndThrow( errObj ) routine instead. This way, you could easily turn some compilation option on in order to dump the call stack at the point of error to a log file, in case a developer needs such detailed information to track down a nasty bug. A more shallow logging could still be useful for statistical purposes.

In some platforms, it's hard to collect the call stack at runtime, and retrieving a crash dump file from embedded targets may not be easy either. In order to help during development, you could provide a THROW_ERROR macro that automatically collects (maybe for debug builds only) the source code position where the error has been raised. Use compiler-provided macros like __FILE__, __LINE__ and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ for this purpose.

You will probably want to write a SimulateError() routine in order to quickly inject an error for testing purposes. If you make this routine only available during debug builds, you will not forget to remove all such test errors from the source code when compiling the release build.

Global Panic Routines

See the section about abrupt termination above for more information.

Wrappers for printf() and the like

  1. void printf_e ( const char * format_str, ... );

See the section about printf() above for more information.

String-handling helpers to build error messages

I recommend using the standard std::string class. Routines like this would be helpful:

  1. std::string format_msg ( const char * format_str, ... );

It is important to provide the ability to build error messages with a familiar printf format string.

The ability to build error messages using a familiar printf-like syntax should further encourage the developer to add useful information to the message.

TODO: Still to write.

Utility functions that collect OS error messages

You need to invest the time upfront to make it easy to collect proper error information from system calls, because most developers will fail to do it themselves later on whenever the oportunity arises. Sometimes it's not so straightforward as it may seem. For example, collecting the error message from an errno code is not easy: strerror() has threading issues, thread-safe variants are often not portable, and, even within the GNU/Linux platform, strerror()'s prototype has changed between glibc versions. No wonder that, if a helper routine has not been implemented beforehand, it's hard to find the time for such a complicated distraction when you are focused on some other task.

Common system error sources are:

  1. errno
  2. dlerror from the Unix Shared Object loader
  3. GetLastError in Windows
  4. IErrorInfo / _com_error from Windows OLE/ActiveX/COM APIs

The following routine makes it easy to build a custom error message after an errno-style error has been detected:

std::string format_errno_msg ( int errno_val,
                               const char * prefix_msg_format_str,
                               ... );

Such a routine should do the following:

  1. Call strerror() or strerror_r() in order to get the error message from the Operating System that corresponds to the given errno code.
  2. Build a flexible prefix text by calling vasprintf() or similar.
  3. Join the prefix together with the OS error message, and return it.

Usage example:

if ( 0 != sigaction( signal_number, &act, NULL ) )
  const int errno_code = errno;  // errno is very volatile, so capture its value straight after the error.
  throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( errno_code, "Error setting signal handler %d: ", get_signal_number() ) );

Manually storing errno in a temporary variable is a pain, but you should get used to saving the errno value directly after the error occurred. In the following alternative implementations, get_signal_number() could inadvertently destroy errno. That may not happen today, but it could the future, if get_signal_number()'s implementation changes, or if another developer adds more function calls to the flexible parameter list. This is another drawback of the errno mechanism.

// Alternative 1: If format_errno_msg() automatically retrieves errno itself:

if ( 0 != sigaction( signal_number, &act, NULL ) )
  // WRONG: Before format_errno_msg() runs, get_signal_number() may overwrite errno.

  throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( "Error setting signal handler %d: ", get_signal_number() ) );

// Alternative 2: If we pass errno directly to format_errno_msg():

if ( 0 != sigaction( signal_number, &act, NULL ) )
  // WRONG: The argument evaluation order when calling a function is not defined. Therefore, get_signal_number() may get called
  //        and overwrite errno before errno's value is retrieved and pushed to the stack.

  throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( errno, "Error setting signal handler %d: ", get_signal_number() ) );

Wrappers for the most common OS syscalls

TODO: open(), close(), fopen_e(). In the case of close(), you will probably want a close_p() for "close with panic" semantics.

Wrapper classes for resources

Wrapper classes help implement automatic resource clean-up, as destructors are guaranteed to be executed in the event of exceptions.

An example would be an auto_file_close class for Linux file descriptors.

Custom Smart Pointers

An example would be a class like auto_ptr_free for memory pointers obtained through malloc().

Assertions Are No Substitute for Proper Error Handling

Assertions are designed to help developers quickly find bugs, but are not actually a form of error handling, as assertions are normally left out of release builds. Even if there were not, they tend to generate error messages that a normal user would not understand.

Therefore, you need to resist the temptation of asserting on syscall return codes and the like.

However, an assertion is still better than no error check at all. If you have no time to write proper error checking code, at least add a "to do" comment to the source code. That will remind other developers (or even yourself in the distant future) that this aspect needs to be considered. For example, under Win32:

if ( FALSE == GetCursorPos( &cursorPos ) )
  assert( false );  // FIXME: Write proper error handling here.

I have grown fond of Microsoft's VERIFY macro for this kind of check.

VERIFY( FALSE != GetCursorPos( &cursorPos ) );  // FIXME: Write proper error handling here.

TODO: The rest of the article has not been written yet